Nightclub interior colour key
Motorcycle with turnaround.
Casino hotel colour key. Playing with the idea of a tacky, vegas-style faux Mt. Rushmore hotel with skull-faced gang leader heads.
Casino slums rooftops.
"VILE" Exclusive Nightclub exterior.
Casino slums street level.
"Minos" - Minotaur themed casino.
"Sunken Palace" sketch.
Public litter bin ideas.
Base building ideas 1/2.
Base building ideas 2/2.
Audio equipment and branding ideas.
Potential nightclub logos.
Distillery sketch.
Distillery callout.
Tropical zone building ideas - 1.
Tropical zone building ideas - 2.
Tropical zone building ideas - 3.
Tropical zone building ideas - 4.
A few of the rough concepts done for Crackdown 3.
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